
友情散文2024-05-06 13:20:0614
1、看别人不顺眼,是自己修养不够。 It's not good to look at others because you don't have enough self-cultivation. 2、有信念不一定成功,没信念一定会失败。 Faith is not necessarily success, no faith is bound to fail. 3、教会你最初舞步的人,却未必能陪你走到散场。 The person who teaches you the first steps may not be able to accompany you to the end. 4、我是个双面人,时而阳光明媚,时而沉默不语。 I am a two-sided person, sometimes sunny, sometimes silent. 5、想知道你的动态,又不愿看到你的动态。每天我就是这么矛盾着。 I want to know what's going on, but I don't want to see what's going on. That's how I contradict every day. 6、喜欢一个人像是期待明天快快来的同时又祈盼今天永远不要过去。 Like a person, like looking forward to tomorrow come quickly at the same time, and hope that today never in the past. 7、人要是疯癫惯了,一本正经起来也像个神经病。 If a man is used to madness, he will be as serious as a psycho. 8、你一个人心情不好,不代表全世界都需要陪你难过。 You are in a bad mood, does not mean that the world needs to accompany you sad. 9、如果敌人让你生气,那说明你还没有战胜他的把握。 If the enemy makes you angry, it means that you are not sure to defeat him. 10、能知难而退是我的本事,用得着你在这指手画脚。 It's my ability to retreat in the face of difficulties. I need you to tell me what to do here. 11、被轻蔑的时候能平静的一笑,这是一种自信。 It is a kind of self-confidence to smile calmly when being despised. 12、或许,我们终究会有那么一天,牵着别人的手,遗忘对方。 Perhaps, we will eventually one day, holding the hand of others, forget each other. 13、女为悦己者容,我为自己荣。 I am proud of myself. 14、是不是我太光芒四射了,才晃得你胡说八道。 Is it because I'm so radiant that I make you talk nonsense. 15、要么抱紧我,要么滚远些,别半死不活的拖着。 Either hold me tight, or go away, don't drag me half dead. 16、看你在网上重拳出击,而现实里你也就刚升初一。 Look at you on the Internet, but in reality, you are just a freshman. 17、我不是疯子,更不是神经病,我只是情绪比较别致而已。 I'm not a lunatic, and I'm not a psycho. I'm just in a more unique mood. 18、即使心被炸得粉碎,血如井喷,我也依然安之若骛。 Even if the heart was blown to pieces, blood such as blowout, I am still as secure as a dream. 19、人都有两面,请勿触碰别人的底线,不然他的另一面会让你很难堪。 Everyone has two sides. Please don't touch the bottom line of others, or the other side will embarrass you. 20、无聊的人会选择在一起腐烂,有趣的人才要在一起蓬荜生辉。 Boring people will choose to rot together, interesting people to shine together. 21、我身边不缺狗,别一缺狗粮就来找我。 I don't need dogs around me. Don't come to me for dog food. 22、现在我发现,其实从年少开始,我们一直就在学习悲伤。 Now I find that we have been learning sadness since we were young. 23、真心爱上一个人,就像吸了毒上了瘾,戒不了,改不了,忘不了。 Truly in love with a person, like a drug addict, can not quit, can not change, can not forget. 24、我天生尖酸刻薄,恶毒至极,我不好过,你也别想快活。 I'm born mean and vicious. I'm not happy. You can't be happy. 25、靠脸蛋换来的爱情,一定会有撕破脸的那天。 The love that depends on the face will tear the face one day. 26、今天的事今天翻篇,明天你还要忙着可爱。 Today's business today, tomorrow you will be busy. 27、十几岁的年纪哪有什么故事,无非就是醉过几场酒,爱过一个人。 What's the story of a teenager? It's just that he's drunk a few times and loved a person. 28、不是每个人,都可以在我心里兴风作浪,除了你! Not everyone can make trouble in my heart, except you! 29、我希望心里下一场刀子雨,把赖在里面不走的人剁成肉泥。 I hope there will be a knife rain in my heart, and I will chop the people who stay in it into meat mud. 30、其实生活很平淡、只是我们把它弄得苦不堪言。 In fact, life is very flat, but we make it miserable. 31、你不理我的时候我就觉得你在好好学习,准备以后养我。 When you ignore me, I feel that you are studying hard and preparing to support me in the future. 32、有些事,我们明知道是错的,也要去坚持,由于不甘心。 Some things, we know is wrong, also want to insist, because not reconciled. 33、就算路不坦荡,也要做自己的太阳。 Even if the road is not smooth, we should be our own sun. 34、不必恭维,不必讨好,爱你的人自然会给你拥抱。 Don't flatter, don't flatter, people who love you will give you a hug. 35、我曾经骄傲的谁也不低头,可后来,我学会花言巧语面对不同的狗。 No one I used to be proud of bowed his head, but later, I learned how to smooth talk in the face of different dogs. 36、我很想把我的人生翻到最后一页,想看看那个陪我到老的人是谁。 I want to turn my life to the last page and see who is the person who accompany me to the old age. 37、人生不是做梦,该醒来的时候一定不能贪念着再睡。 Life is not a dream. When you wake up, you must not be greedy to sleep again. 38、不能伴我终老,那你什么时候走我也无妨。 If you can't stay with me forever, I don't mind when you leave. 39、几年后,你依然是你,而我不再是单纯的我了。 A few years later, you are still you, and I am no longer just me. 40、别到处嚷嚷世界抛弃了你,世界原本就不是属于你。 Don't yell that the world has abandoned you. The world doesn't belong to you. 41、生的再平凡,也是限量版,别瞧不起自己。 No matter how ordinary your life is, it's also a limited edition. Don't look down on yourself. 42、我会用我牵强的微笑,活出无人能比的高傲。 I will use my farfetched smile to live out the pride that no one can compare. 43、我谈过最长的恋爱,就是自恋。我爱自己,没有情敌! The longest love I've ever had is narcissism. I love myself, no rival! 44、光活着就很难了,为什么还要我快乐。 It's hard to live alone. Why should I be happy. 45、人都一个样,认不清自身问题,还长着一张喜欢说教的嘴。 People are the same, they can't recognize their own problems, and they also have a mouth that likes to preach.




